Green Späce Challenge
What Jeff Bezos -as a young man- had in mind talking about "hotels, amusement parks and colonies for two to three million people in space" is gradually becoming reality today.
The "Green Space Challenge" idea competition is aimed at students at universities in Germany who are interested in entrepreneurial activities and would like to learn more about developing their own business ideas. Due to the thematic focus on sustainability and resource conservation, coupled with space technology such as satellite data, young people in particular are the target group, as they are very sensitized to the topic and are currently involved in numerous initiatives for more climate and environmental protection. Being able to get involved themselves with their own business models and exert an influence on development is an incentive that is stimulated in the process. The combination of the rather soft component "environment" with future technologies such as satellite data represents a sensible and purposeful interlocking, which radiates attractiveness and is forward-looking.
1. Kickoff (17th June 2024: 10.00 - 16.00, University Stuttgart - Pfaffenwaldring 29, 70569 Stuttgart - Foyer/Ground floor)
The competition starts with a kick-off event at which the teams are put together and initial ideas are exchanged. Afterwards, the teams have 6 weeks to work out their ideas, with the office of the ideas competition advising the students. The teams will each receive 400€ to spend on small purchases for the project. The goal is to assemble 10 teams.
Agenda Kickoff
- 10:00 - 10:30: Welcome & introduction of ESA BIC.
- 10.30 - 11.00: Introductions of participants
- 11.00 - 11.30: Connect & Group formation Workshop
- 11:30 - 12:00: Meetup in Groups: Admin & Orga [Group Photo]
- 12:00 - 13.30: Lunch Break
- 13:30 - 14:00: Meetup in Groups: First idea exchange
- 14:00 - 14:15: Presentation of Rules of the Challenge
- 14:15 - 14.30: Presentation of Deliverables (Business Model Canvas, Business Plan, Presentation)
- 14:30 - 15:00: Presentation of Green Späce Criteria & Jury members
- 15:00 - 16:00: First steps idea & Business Model Canvas - Open Q&A
- 16:00: End of Kick-off

2. Elaboration of business model within groups (Online, remote in groups)
The teams have 6 weeks of development time, during which they can exchange information about the status of their development and the cooperation within the team, but also receive feedback and tips for further development from ESA BIC BW. If necessary, the student teams will be connected with partners from the network of ESA BIC and IHK Reutlingen to solve the challenges in a goal-oriented way and to discuss individual aspects of the business field.
Agenda Elaboration:
17.June 2024 - 05.October: Elaboration in groups with online consulting from ESA BIC BW.
3. Network events, June-September 2024, tbd
Within the development period, networking events will takes place at which the teams exchange information about the status of their development and the cooperation within the team and give each other feedback and tips for further development. At these events, the partners are firmly integrated and also provide assistance in the implementation of the ideas already generated.
Agenda Elaboration:
TBD during kickoff meeting which events interest the group
4. Weil der Stadt - July/August 2024, Weil der Stadt
In the midst of greenery and yet only 28 kilometers from the bustling state capital Stuttgart: the former free imperial city of Weil der Stadt with its districts Merklingen, Schafhausen, Münklingen and Hausen is the fifth largest city in the district of Böblingen with a population of about 19,200. The city enjoys special fame as the birthplace of the famous astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler (1571 to 1630). He was founder of modern astronomy and co-founder of modern scientific thinking.
Agenda tbd
9:30 Reception City Hall Weil der Stadt with welcome by the mayor & city presentation
10.30 Guided tour Kepler Museum
12-14 Break
14-16: Guided tour of the city & possible visit to the observatory
5. Deadline 5th October 2024
After development of the idea, the submission of the documents will take place at 23.59 at the latest.
Deadline: October 5th, 2023 - 11.59 p.m.
Documents: Business Model Canvas, Business Model, Presentation, Attachments
Submission of documents: and (in cc)
6. Jury meeting (17th October, 2024: 13.00-15.00, Online)
The business models developed are evaluated by a jury of experts. After submission of the documents, this jury meeting takes place, in which the submitted business models are discussed and evaluated by the experts according to the criteria presented at the beginning of the Challenge. The "Green" criteria were derived from the ESG taxonomy of the EU, the strategy for the promotion of emission-free technologies and the future areas of the ESA BIC BW.
October 10th, 2024 - 13-15 hrs.
7. Final Pitch (24th October, 2024: 17.00 - 21.00, tbd/Fernsehturm)
In Stuttgart's Fernsehtum, student teams from our "Green Späce Challenge", which started in September, as well as several early stage startups from ESA BIC Baden-Württemberg will pitch their idea. At the end, the Green Späce Awards will be presented. The keynote will be held by the first Green Späce Award winner Sebastian Klaus from ATMOS. He will present the EVA project, in which two former incubatees of our ESA BIC - ATMOS and Yuri - together with Rocket Factory Augsburg - RFA realize an unprecedented flexible alternative to the ISS space station for microgravity research. The 'low-cost' approach of course fits wonderfully with the Swabian brand essence of "saving". We are looking forward to an inspiring evening and interesting discussions in this unique location. Be there to shape the future of space together!
Agenda (preliminary)
17.00 - 17.30: Registration, elevator ride & welcome
17.30 - 20.00: Welcome, keynote, pitches and award ceremony
- Welcome, tbd
- Pitch round student teams Green Späce Challenge
- Keynote, tbd
- Pitch round Green Späce - early-stage startups of the ESA BIC Baden-Württemberg
- Break & Networking
- Investor and Business Angels View
- Ceremony: Award ceremony & closing remarks
20.00 - 21.30: Networking
21.30 - 22.00: End of the event with closing / viewing platform @Fernsehturm