Do you have questions?

Together with the ESA BIC site in Darmstadt, which is operated by cesah GmbH Centrum für Satellitennavigation Hessen, the ESA BIC Baden-Württemberg forms the ESA BIC Hessen & Baden-Württemberg. The more than 20 ESA BICs in almost all member states of the European Space Agency (ESA) annually enroll more than 180 startups in one of the largest incubation programs worldwide.

Our ESA BIC Baden-Württemberg management team consists of 4 people. Together with partners and business angels, we provide technical, business and marketing support to our startups. In addition, we have experts in finance, satellite data, intellectual property, funding programs and overall ESA BIC incubation.

Please feel free to contact us if you have a question or you would like to discuss you business topic with us.

Site Reutlingen:
Dr. Stefan Engelhard
Head of ESA Business Incubation Centre Baden-Württemberg
Topics: Overall Management of the ESA BIC
Daniel Welz
Project Manager ESA Business Incubation Centre and Green Späce Challenge
Topics: Incubation time, Local Funding Programms, ESA Funding Programm (BASS, GSTP), Application documents, Green Späce Competition
Marcin Bielecki
Project Manager Space Solutions
Topics: Geographical Information System (GIS), Earthobservation, Satellite data, Space Connection, ESA Funding Programs (BASS, GSTP)
Petrick Nourd
Project Manager Finance & Investor Relations
Topics: Start-up BW Pre-Seed, Investor network, Finance Funding Programs, Marketing

Site Friedrichshafen:

Julian Raatschen
Innovation Manager at Aibus Defense & Space
Topics: Space Projects, Space Technology, Innovation

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